NHS Pay Offer

In addition to the £1,400 a year pay rise NHS staff were paid in the autumn, the headline pay offer is:

  • An extra one-off lump sum which begins at £1,655 for the lowest paid staff and rises in value up the pay bands

And for 2023/24:

  • A permanent 5% pay rise on all pay points for 2023/24.

  • Raising the lowest pay point in the NHS to £11.45 an hour – 55p higher than the real Living Wage.

The government’s offer-in-principle is conditional. First, the government only agreed to make the offer to NHS staff if trade unions agreed to recommend it to their members. Second, the offer will only be implemented if trade union members vote to accept it.

The offer results in different cash outcomes for members on different pay points. We have set these out in more detail below, and in our NHS pay calculator on www.unison.org.uk/nhspay